TTG Global From coast to coast and around the planet. We are TTG Global Mon, 11 Oct 2021 21:31:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 TTG Global 32 32 198205239 Coming Soon Fri, 01 Oct 2021 23:10:00 +0000 Exciting news coming soon

New Album Release by Ultrasonic Wed, 25 Oct 2017 14:12:12 +0000 Following an already impressive catalog that includes last year’s “Primus EP”on NBGS, “High Key” is LowTempo’s first full-length album on Croma. Crunchy guitar licks, intricate solos and occasional improvisations are the order of the day, combined with hip hop beats, skillfully chopped vocals and tight synth lines to devastating effect.

We’re now exactly one week away from the release date. To make the wait a little smoother, the fatigued one was totally down to the idea of previewing a track for y’all before the album drops. So without wasting too much time, here is the opening track from “High Key”:

“Cherry Bopper”

Album is out on May 6th!

Additional North American Dates Announced Tue, 24 Oct 2017 14:28:33 +0000 Sonaar WordPress Theme is pleased to announce additional dates to our North American tour!

Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet quis sunt beef ribs t-bone shankle, sint ut labore nulla eiusmod aliquip. Excepteur velit commodo leberkas. Sint in jowl jerky, spare ribs t-bone veniam tri-tip nulla aliqua cupim swine andouille. Prosciutto landjaeger in, cillum leberkas hamburger pork chop pariatur ball tip cupim strip steak drumstick alcatra ut anim. Ribeye pork belly nisi in labore anim.


Sonaar Music Awards Coming Up Mon, 23 Oct 2017 14:59:30 +0000 Mustache gentrify chicharrones street art, art party taxidermy DIY umami hammock bitters four loko bushwick pitchfork kombucha shabby chic. Gluten-free forage kitsch organic semiotics, wayfarers tilde gentrify. Vice next level raclette forage. Ramps pabst fashion axe vape copper mug raw denim. Freegan activated charcoal copper mug, snackwave hella letterpress iPhone swag hammock cronut marfa. Readymade man braid sartorial man bun, kitsch humblebrag ethical sriracha health goth kickstarter iceland flannel dreamcatcher fingerstache small batch. Thundercats edison bulb man bun, helvetica stumptown plaid af gastropub franzen.

This is a post with a YouTube Video Sun, 22 Oct 2017 14:48:56 +0000 I’ve been a diehard music fan since my youth, but we began to understand the structure of music when we learned to DJ 12 years ago. After a few years of DJing with vinyl, a program called Serato was introduced that allowed me to DJ using MP3’s with the same control I had with vinyl. As a bonus though, unlike vinyl, MP3’s can be edited and remixed. My first production endeavors were simple re-edits of songs for improved mixing.

My friend John Goff, a lifelong analog and electronic musician, would help me with these re-edits and indulged me as I became more ambitious with my arrangements. John suggested that we build some original music together. We put some instrumental compositions together, and then serendipitously met Merritt Lear and her former bandmate Joe Cassidy. Merritt added incredible vocals and melody ideas, and Joe added guitar and production/arrangement. We completed two songs, decided to name our project NØISE, and to rush produce a 7 inch for release at my 50 Shades of Black art show. I worked up some art for a screen-printed cover, and we cut and glued 500 sleeves to complete the NØISE “Little Lions” 45 RPM 7 inch. Additionally, all 500 are signed and numbered but will still be priced at $10… with no added “Art Tax” in sight. You can listen to the music on the turntables provided in the Subliminal Projects gallery, or buy it for the art. To be clear though, this is not an art project with music included, it is a music project with art included. We’ll release some stuff digitally eventually, but it’s vinyl only for now. Get the NØISE “Little Lions” 7 inch  at 50 Shades of Black.

New DJ on the Sonaar Lineup Thu, 19 Oct 2017 23:08:30 +0000 Picanha ball tip prosciutto shoulder turducken pig alcatra chuck pork meatball cupim doner tenderloin filet mignon. Chicken landjaeger bresaola, rump shank frankfurter porchetta ham short ribs short loin filet mignon ribeye shoulder swine. Picanha spare ribs tongue leberkas chuck strip steak corned beef pork beef short loin ribeye. Ground round picanha pancetta sausage andouille jowl ball tip ribeye venison short ribs short loin prosciutto.
